New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative...Today's Ice 8 Times Than Last 8000 Years
(too old to reply)
2024-05-21 22:24:37 UTC
New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative... Today's Ice 8 Times Than Last 8000 Years

Scientists have determined there is no measured data to "indicate thicker than present ice after 4ka" at a
West Antarctic study site near the Thwaites "Doomsday" Glacier. Any ice melt observed today is thus
"reversible"... and natural.

The Thwaites, Pine Island, and Pope Glaciers in the Amundsen Sea region of West Antarctica are all situated
on a hotbed of active geothermal heat flux, which has led to anomalously high regional melt rates. Indeed,
"there is a conspicuously large amount of heat from Earth's interior beneath the ice" in the very locations
where the ice melt is most pronounced.

While the Earth's crust has an average thickness of about 40 km, in the Thwaites-Pine Island-Pope Glacier
region the anomalously thinner crust (10 to 18 km) more readily exposes the base of the ice to 580°C tectonic
trenches. The "elevated geothermal heat flow band is interpreted as caused by an anomalously thin crust
underlain by a hot mantle," which is exerting a "profound influence on the flow dynamics of the Western
Antarctic Ice Sheet" (Dziadek et al., 2021).

Despite the established natural causes of ice melt this region (see also Schroeder et al., 2014, Loose et
al., 2018), it has nonetheless become commonplace for those who believe human behaviors are the climate's
"control knob" to claim the melting of the Thwaites Glacier - dubbed the "Doomsday Glacier" by alarmists - is
caused by humans driving gasoline-powered trucks or using natural gas for energy.

But a new study categorically undermines claims that the ice melt occurring in the Thwaites-Pine Island-Pope
Glacier region is unusual, unprecedented, or unnatural.

The thickness of the ice sheet at this Amundsen Sea region site averages about 40 m today.

Scientists (Balco et al., 2023) have used cosmogenic-nuclide concentrations and bedrock cores to determine
the ice sheet is presently around 8 times thicker than it was for most of the last 8,000 years of the
Holocene, when the ice thickness ranged between 2 m and 7 m.

"...the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) at a site between Thwaites and Pope glaciers was at least 35m thinner
than present in the past several thousand years"

Image Source: Balco et al., 2023

Even more interesting, the scientists found there are "no exposure-age data in the Amundsen Sea region
indicating thicker than present ice after 4?ka," suggesting that the present thickness is close to the most
pronounced it has been over the last 4,000 years.

Any ice melt from this region, then, is not only natural, but the opposite of "unprecedented." The scientists
thus characterize modern changes to the West Antarctic ice sheet as "reversible" instead.



Frozen Turkey

Rare May Snow Hits South Korea

Cold Front To Drop Snow On Aussie Alps

Chile's Capital In The Midst Of "Longest Cold Spell Ever Recorded"

South America Braces For Antarctic Outbreak

Australia's Coldest April Since 2015

Heavy Mid-May Snow Hits Turkey

Slovakia's Record May Cold

First 10-Days Of May In European-Russia The Coldest In History

Unprecedented May Snow Hits Moscow

Record May Cold Sweeps European-Russia

Russian Grain Growing Regions To Declare An Emergency

Record May Cold In Japan

"Patagonia Is Absolutely Buried"

Rare Snow Blankets Chile's Capital

Snowbird, Utah Surpasses 600 Inches

Alaska's Near-Record Snow Season Also Means "Big Fire Danger"

Australia Shivers

Spring Snow Continues To Build On Europe's Mountains As Winter's Cold Lingers

Mongolia's Snowiest Winter Since 1975

Much Of Russia Returned To Winter

Heavy Snow Hits Argentina A Month Early

Spain Chills

"Best May Powder Days In Memory" At Palisades

Cold Antarctic Coast

Heavy May Snow Hits the Sierra Nevada

Concordia Below -70C (-94F) for 10-Days

Cooling In The Tropical Pacific

Vostok's Coldest April Since 1999

Global Temperature Expected To Fall In May

Tonga Eruption Responsible For Toasty 2023 (nyah nyah!)

Missing Spring In Jackson, WY

Cool Summer Forecast For Much Of The Northern Hemisphere

Record May Cold Sweeps India

Rare April Cold Hits Antarctica (-112F)

Heavy Spring Snow Traps 1,000 Vehicles In Northern India

Wild Swings In New Jersey

The Wind Didn't Blow As Hard In 2023
2024-05-23 02:29:23 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative... Today's Ice 8 Times Than Last 8000 Years
You seem ashamed of your sources, loser.

Why is that?
2024-05-23 02:58:42 UTC
On Wed, 22 May 2024 19:29:23 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative... Today's Ice 8 Times Than Last 8000 Years
You seem ashamed of your sources, loser.
You seem to be ashamed that you can't refute the article OR the study, so...
Post by Alan
Why is that?
Are they wrong?

I know you know how to look it up using a simple search, so... why is it that you're ashamed to admit the
article is correct and you simply have no refutation. Because it is and you can't. That's why you attack the
authors instead of what they write.


Because you're a faggot, playing faggot games. It's all a game to you, because you're so low in self-esteem,
that you don't DARE try and refute anything anymore(OR post original articles), once you realized I've
smacked your snout so hard in the past SEVERAL times, that you'd rather play at trying to make people look
wrong, when you can't.

Remember the train derailment fiasco when I pointed out how wrong you were about EVERYTHING? The placards,
the number of cars needed to be categorized AS hazardous so the train qualified for "special" brakes, AND
other things? Want me to look it all up and post it again? LOL

The list of your fuckups is getting longer... that's why you can only play games and be a contrarian without
having to prove anything. You can't 99% of the time, so you play weirdo faggot games like Rudy and his
bullshit liberal semantics games.

Keep it up, pussy... they all laugh at you and revel in how I make you look stupid, pointing out what you're
doing, instead of refuting.

Children and their faggot games.



Frozen Turkey

Rare May Snow Hits South Korea

Cold Front To Drop Snow On Aussie Alps

Chile's Capital In The Midst Of "Longest Cold Spell Ever Recorded"

South America Braces For Antarctic Outbreak

Australia's Coldest April Since 2015

Heavy Mid-May Snow Hits Turkey

Slovakia's Record May Cold

First 10-Days Of May In European-Russia The Coldest In History

Unprecedented May Snow Hits Moscow

Record May Cold Sweeps European-Russia

Russian Grain Growing Regions To Declare An Emergency

Record May Cold In Japan

"Patagonia Is Absolutely Buried"

Rare Snow Blankets Chile's Capital

Snowbird, Utah Surpasses 600 Inches

Alaska's Near-Record Snow Season Also Means "Big Fire Danger"

Australia Shivers

Spring Snow Continues To Build On Europe's Mountains As Winter's Cold Lingers

Mongolia's Snowiest Winter Since 1975

Much Of Russia Returned To Winter

Heavy Snow Hits Argentina A Month Early

Spain Chills

"Best May Powder Days In Memory" At Palisades

Cold Antarctic Coast

Heavy May Snow Hits the Sierra Nevada

Concordia Below -70C (-94F) for 10-Days

Cooling In The Tropical Pacific

Vostok's Coldest April Since 1999

Global Temperature Expected To Fall In May

Tonga Eruption Responsible For Toasty 2023 (nyah nyah!)

Missing Spring In Jackson, WY

Cool Summer Forecast For Much Of The Northern Hemisphere

Record May Cold Sweeps India

Rare April Cold Hits Antarctica (-112F)

Heavy Spring Snow Traps 1,000 Vehicles In Northern India

Wild Swings In New Jersey

The Wind Didn't Blow As Hard In 2023
2024-05-23 04:40:19 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 22 May 2024 19:29:23 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative... Today's Ice 8 Times Than Last 8000 Years
You seem ashamed of your sources, loser.
You seem to be ashamed that you can't refute the article OR the study, so...
What "study", loser?

Your previous post mentions one, but doesn't tell me where to find it.
2024-05-23 17:34:11 UTC
On Wed, 22 May 2024 21:40:19 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Your previous post mentions one, but doesn't tell me where to find it.

Find it yourself, you lazy shit.

Keywords are as follows:

New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative... Today's Ice 8 Times Than Last 8000 Years

Scientists have determined there is no measured data to "indicate thicker than present ice after 4ka" at a
West Antarctic study site near the Thwaites "Doomsday" Glacier. Any ice melt observed today is thus
"reversible"... and natural.

The Thwaites, Pine Island, and Pope Glaciers in the Amundsen Sea region of West Antarctica are all situated
on a hotbed of active geothermal heat flux, which has led to anomalously high regional melt rates. Indeed,
"there is a conspicuously large amount of heat from Earth's interior beneath the ice" in the very locations
where the ice melt is most pronounced.

While the Earth's crust has an average thickness of about 40 km, in the Thwaites-Pine Island-Pope Glacier
region the anomalously thinner crust (10 to 18 km) more readily exposes the base of the ice to 580°C tectonic
trenches. The "elevated geothermal heat flow band is interpreted as caused by an anomalously thin crust
underlain by a hot mantle," which is exerting a "profound influence on the flow dynamics of the Western
Antarctic Ice Sheet" (Dziadek et al., 2021).

Despite the established natural causes of ice melt this region (see also Schroeder et al., 2014, Loose et
al., 2018), it has nonetheless become commonplace for those who believe human behaviors are the climate's
"control knob" to claim the melting of the Thwaites Glacier - dubbed the "Doomsday Glacier" by alarmists - is
caused by humans driving gasoline-powered trucks or using natural gas for energy.

But a new study categorically undermines claims that the ice melt occurring in the Thwaites-Pine Island-Pope
Glacier region is unusual, unprecedented, or unnatural.

The thickness of the ice sheet at this Amundsen Sea region site averages about 40 m today.

Scientists (Balco et al., 2023) have used cosmogenic-nuclide concentrations and bedrock cores to determine
the ice sheet is presently around 8 times thicker than it was for most of the last 8,000 years of the
Holocene, when the ice thickness ranged between 2 m and 7 m.

"...the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) at a site between Thwaites and Pope glaciers was at least 35m thinner
than present in the past several thousand years"

Image Source: Balco et al., 2023

Even more interesting, the scientists found there are "no exposure-age data in the Amundsen Sea region
indicating thicker than present ice after 4?ka," suggesting that the present thickness is close to the most
pronounced it has been over the last 4,000 years.

Any ice melt from this region, then, is not only natural, but the opposite of "unprecedented." The scientists
thus characterize modern changes to the West Antarctic ice sheet as "reversible" instead.



Frozen Turkey

Rare May Snow Hits South Korea

Cold Front To Drop Snow On Aussie Alps

Chile's Capital In The Midst Of "Longest Cold Spell Ever Recorded"

South America Braces For Antarctic Outbreak

Australia's Coldest April Since 2015

Heavy Mid-May Snow Hits Turkey

Slovakia's Record May Cold

First 10-Days Of May In European-Russia The Coldest In History

Unprecedented May Snow Hits Moscow

Record May Cold Sweeps European-Russia

Russian Grain Growing Regions To Declare An Emergency

Record May Cold In Japan

"Patagonia Is Absolutely Buried"

Rare Snow Blankets Chile's Capital

Snowbird, Utah Surpasses 600 Inches

Alaska's Near-Record Snow Season Also Means "Big Fire Danger"

Australia Shivers

Spring Snow Continues To Build On Europe's Mountains As Winter's Cold Lingers

Mongolia's Snowiest Winter Since 1975

Much Of Russia Returned To Winter

Heavy Snow Hits Argentina A Month Early

Spain Chills

"Best May Powder Days In Memory" At Palisades

Cold Antarctic Coast

Heavy May Snow Hits the Sierra Nevada

Concordia Below -70C (-94F) for 10-Days

Cooling In The Tropical Pacific

Vostok's Coldest April Since 1999

Global Temperature Expected To Fall In May

Tonga Eruption Responsible For Toasty 2023 (nyah nyah!)

Missing Spring In Jackson, WY

Cool Summer Forecast For Much Of The Northern Hemisphere

Record May Cold Sweeps India

Rare April Cold Hits Antarctica (-112F)

Heavy Spring Snow Traps 1,000 Vehicles In Northern India

Wild Swings In New Jersey

The Wind Didn't Blow As Hard In 2023
2024-05-23 20:37:37 UTC
On Wed, 22 May 2024 21:40:19 -0700
Post by Alan
Your previous post mentions one, but doesn't tell me where to find it.
2024-05-23 20:42:49 UTC
On Thu, 23 May 2024 14:37:37 -0600, Akidasar says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 22 May 2024 21:40:19 -0700
Post by Alan
Your previous post mentions one, but doesn't tell me where to find it.
He's just a lazy turd and pedantic little child, playing childish games.

He has NO intention of actually refuting anything... he's just here to troll. He thinks he's showing off to
others, but I guarantee it... he gets laughed at more often than agreed with.


THIS is Joe Biden when not on drugs or stimulants and acts like himself:





Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you the Democrats' best: Old-Rich-White-Religious Freak, Joe Biden

Or As Old-Rich-White-Religious Freak, Joe Biden Would Say: "Labadies and Gntlmn... I gve yu the Dmcrts' bst."





Joe Bidden Completely Forgets What He's Talking About In Excruciating Press

Joe Biden Gets Completely LOST in Middle of a Story

Biden tries to explain the Covid bill. This moron is President? Wow.

Biden's Dementia Flares Up, Has Complete Mental Short-Circuit During Speech

Out-Performed Every Presidential Challenger In US History?

Joe Biden: You Just Wonder

Joe Biden Fumbles Through Speech

Joe Biden Embarrassingly Delivers his WORST Speech while 'President Elect'

Barely There Biden Makes No Sense

Joe Biden Stumbles, Makes No Sense

Joe Biden Makes No Sense, Forgets When The 1918 Flu Pandemic Occurred

Joe Biden making Zer0 sense

Joe Biden Told Voters To "Go To" A Phone Number. Now, He Still Makes Zero

2024-05-23 13:44:51 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative... Today's Ice 8 Times
Than Last 8000 Years
You seem ashamed of your sources, loser.
Why is that?
You can't track down sources when they were literally typed
out in front of you, yet you believe you're well informed?

You know better?


You are pathetic. You are entirely ignorant, not just on the
information but how to find it. You are well trained, not
well informed. And you appear to operate under the assumption
that this makes you BETTER SUITED to determine facts...
2024-05-23 20:38:57 UTC
On Wed, 22 May 2024 19:29:23 -0700
Post by Alan
You seem ashamed of your sources
You are flailing, cuntwad.
2024-05-23 20:48:10 UTC
On Thu, 23 May 2024 14:38:57 -0600, Akidasar says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 22 May 2024 19:29:23 -0700
Post by Alan
You seem ashamed of your sources
You are flailing, cuntwad.
Yup... he only asks for the source, so he can try and...

2. Discredit the Source

If it is Fox or any perceived "right wing" source, they will refuse to
believe it. If it is a non-partisan source, they will claim it is right
wing, if it is a left of center source, they will find another lefty
source to "prove" you are wrong. They will not discuss the facts
themselves, as they know they have lost. If you must go down this road
(there is a high entertainment value), don't allow this diversion. Go
back to the facts.

He's such a feckless little cunt, pretty much EVERYONE who he engages with thinks he's a weirdo. You should
see the names he's called in other groups, where he's actually cyber-stalked them. He can't me, and it drives
him insane.

Rudy's the same way. He keeps guessing how old I am to see if I'll break down and give him my real age. He's
such an ego-maniac, he thinks that just by knowing hold old my father is, he knows how old I am. He's always
so far off, I just laugh.
