On Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:36:52 -0800, Alan says...
Post by AlanPost by AlleyCatPost by Alan"Since they flew P-51s, (and did an outstanding job, BTW)... there is NO
"lesson" modern pilots can learn from these lessons, which are probably
more like Critical Race Theory than how to dogfight.
Against CRT.
Post by AlanI am a WWII buff and I respect the HELL out of the Tuskegee Airman, but
CRT has NO place in the Armed Forces.
Against CRT.
No contradiction.
Post by AlanNO ONE needs to be made to feel guilty for something THEY never had ANY
part of."
Against CRT.
STILL no contradiction.
Post by Alan"I Still Stand By What I Said, But I'm Not The One Who Started This
Thread, And The Air Force Was Reversed on Its Tuskegee Airman Kafuffle"
"I Still Stand By What I Said..."
Where is the contradiction?
Your approval of Hegseth's action to reverse this decision.
WHY didn't you include THAT in your false list of what I was supposed to be being contradictory about? I never said I approved of what Hegseth did. I
only answered "me too" to my own question to you:
"So, you think it was right?"
Me too... hence, the: "I Still Stand By What I Said, But I'm Not The One Who Started This Thread, And The Air Force Was Reversed on Its Tuskegee
Airman Kerfuffle"
HOW does any of what you posted, change my stance on CRT? My "approval", which I never said, actually... has only to do with history. No one has
listed what these "lessons" were, so if they were ONLY historic in nature, then yes, what Hegseth did, I agree with... though I never used that
There's still no contradiction NOR pivot in ANY of what you listed.
YOU made it sound like I was all for what they did, then changed my mind.
What part of "I still stand by what I said...", do you not unnastan?
I simply said I didn't think any "lessons" from what the Tuskegee Airmen did, could benefit MODERN pilots and CRT doesn't need to be taught in flight
Where is the contradiction?
We all know what they did, and historically-speaking, THAT shouldn't be removed. What SHOULD be removed, IF it's being taught, is CRT-type "lessons".
WHO, in this day and age, needs to be "taught" how to NOT treat others? You know... we have laws against that kind of thing. Maybe you Cuntgaydians
should learn from them. (see bottom)
If the "lessons" are historic in nature, ONLY, then THAT is what I said was "right" not to do away with.
It's like not agreeing with the idiots who want to remove statues and paintings of people, who, in THEIR minds, were evil because they held slaves.
I WOULD approve of them changing their minds, because we don't need to try and erase the past OR history, no matter how ugly it may have been.
I don't think anyone erased the history of The Tuskegee Airmen, by removing these "lessons". We still don't know what they entailed. MY stand, was to
get rid of what liberals use these days to guilt-trip whites... CRT and the like.
What I feel about CRT still stands and I have a feeling some of these "lessons" might have been CRT'ish in nature, when talking about what they went
I feel THAT needs removal.
We've been fed 50+ years of White guilt... we don't NEED it any more. If you've ever wondered why it seems that race relations have gotten worse over
the past 50 years... now, you know.
When you jam something down someone's throats, only bad can come from it. We got along far better, than after guilt-tripped White liberals started in
on their bullshit, and Blacks started taking advantage of it.
You wrote: "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." HISTORY tells us, that we got along a lot better than before Whites were
made to feel ashamed and guilty for something they had NOTHING to do with, BY OTHER WHITES.
You know... pussies like you, who REALLY have NO experience, living up there in White man's land.
Also, your rich, White, privileged elitism doesn't help.
Do you REALLY believe we'll go back to 1940's era thinking if these "lessons" were dropped or if they were CRT in nature?
I don't need to be guilt-tripped into knowing what the Airmen went through. I know racism was bad during that era, so attaching words of guilt to
"flying lessons" is not needed.
I still stand by what I said about CRT. If these "lessons" were purely historic in nature, then yes, they did not need to be removed.
I was not being contradictory, because I laid out exactly what I was against. If they had said the "lessons" WERE CRT'ish in nature, I would not have
had a problem with removing them... at all.
Holier-than-thou LIBERAL Canadians, think they're soooo superior when it comes to slavery, because they "ended" it (not really) a mere 30 years
Canada "ended" slavery a mere 30 years before Lincoln wrote the "Emancipation Proclamation".
HOW does that make Canada ANY "better" or different? It doesn't.
Canada's Shameful, Modern-Day Slave Trade
Colonial Canada Had Slavery For More Than 200 Years. And Yes, It Still Matters Today
More Canadians Say Racism Is A "Serious Problem" Today Than 1 Year Ago
Canada Urged To Open Its Eyes To Systemic Racism In Wake Of Police Violence
Racism In Canada Is Ever-Present, But We Have A Long History Of Denial
Majority (60%) See Racism as a Serious Problem in Canada Today, Up 13 points Since Last Year
Nearly a Third of Canadians (28%) Say They Have Personally Experienced Racism in the Past Year - 24 July 2020
Canada's Enduring Legacy Of Power, Politics And Racism
75 Per Cent of Canadians Polled, Say Royal Canadian Mounted Police Has Systemic Racism Issue
Systemic Racism In The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Force
The Reality of Anti-Black Racism in Canada | BCG
Anti-Black racism in Canada is worse than most Canadians want to believe. With the COVID-19 pandemic amplifying the injustices against Black People,
it is now more important than ever for Canadians to take action.
Racism & the Canadian historical past ...
The Canadian response to racism south of the border will be described as an Americanization of Canadian historical past. The media's lack of
protection of racism in Canada, in its traditionally correct context, is a trigger for concern. Totally different histories of racism.
Racism in Canada | News, Videos & Articles
Canadian MPs vote to condemn Atlanta mass shooting, anti-Asian racism. The move comes days after eight people were killed by a white gunman in
Atlanta. Six of the victims were Asian American women ...
Anti-Asian Racism Lead, The Canadian Race Relations ...
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) was created in 1996 to reaffirm the principles of justice and equality for all in Canada. The CRRF's
mandate is to facilitate throughout Canada the development, sharing, and application of knowledge and expertise to eliminate racism and all forms of
racial discrimination in Canadian society.
Is Canada a racist country? One-third of respondents in a ...
Jun 21, 2021
One-third of respondents in a new study say yes. Most Canadians agree that Canada's diverse population makes it a better country. But on the question
of whether or not Canada is a racist country ...
Most Canadians Experience Racism ... - New Canadian Media
Canadian racism is sometimes called 'polite' and is characterized by microaggressions, but that is a misnomer. Words like that are used to deflect
criticisms and differentiate Canada from the United States, says Henry, though she does see similar ideologies and motivations.
Canada Must Withdraw From Racist Core Group - Yves Angler
The least Canadian antiracist activists should do is educate themselves about racism in foreign affairs. There is no justification for Canada
participating in this nakedly imperialist alliance. All Canadians of conscience owe a debt of solidarity to the people of Haiti. We must demand
Ottawa immediately withdraw from the racist Core Group.
Sikh Canadians Surge Politically In "Systemically Racist ...
"The reality is, our Canada is a place of racism, of violence." - NDP Party Leader Jagmeet Singh, June 14th 2021. An unprecedented event occurred
last night in Alberta, Canada. Sikh-Canadian candidates won in both Calgary and Edmonton mayoral elections.. Jhoti Gondek is the first Sikh-Canadian
to become mayor of Calgary. She will be taking over from Naheed Nenshi, three-time winner as ...
Racism at IRCC could determine who gets in - New Canadian ...
IRCC employees are reporting racist workplace behaviour such as racially-charged microaggressions at work, says survey. NCM reporter Isabel Inclan
reports on the deeper fallout. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) employees remain skeptical of the measures in place to tackle
racism at their workplace, according to a new report.