Canada Post is hassling me again
(too old to reply)
Dave Smith
2024-05-22 22:06:26 UTC
This week I got two warnings about my rural mailbox. They want me to put
the "civic number" on it. Okay, I forgot about the first warning
because I had thing going on, but today I went out with a white marker
to fix it and when I got to there I had to wonder WTF the problem was.
My street number is there. It is a little faded, but it is there and it
is legible.

I told my wife about the notice and she asked what a civic number is. I
called Canada Post's support services number and talked to a nice young
lady who was as confused as I was about the civic number.

I used a White Sharpie to re-write my name and the number. I made the
number a little larger. Then to be on the same side I wrote it four more
times on the one side, once on the front and once on the opposite side.

This incident is just another incident of someone from someone from
Canada Post having too much time on their hands. A few years earlier the
left a complaint about a low hanging branch over the mail box. That
branch would have been from the maple tree across the road, not my
problem. Dozens of trucks pass under that branch every day without
hitting it so I don't know how the mail delivery van would be endangered.

Then there was the time I realized I wasn't getting any mail at all. I
called to see what was going on and was told my mail box was too far
from the road. Yes, I had moved it about 6 inches because it had been
knocked over several times in the previous year... 6 fucking inches. So
asked where it had to be. The woman could not tell me where it had to
be. How odd that they can tell that it is not in the proper place but
they cannot tell you where it is supposed to be.

The best part was when I asked why they didn't notify me that they were
going to suspend my mail deliver. I was told they had. They had mailed
me a letter telling me my delivery service had been suspended. It was
not a warning that they were going to suspend my delivery, No. They were
telling me that they had already suspended my delivery. She did not
appreciate the humour in my next comment..... Let me guess. You wrote a
letter telling me that you had suspended my mail delivery and then
proceeded to put in in the bin with all the other mail you were not

So fuck it. I am protesting this shitty nit picking.
Dhu on Gate
2024-05-23 03:07:30 UTC
This incident is just another incident of someone from someone from Canada
Post having too much time on their hands.
My Postbox is too _close_ to the sidewalk so they want to come into my garage
but it's *way too* messy so they sent me a letter of complaint saying they
were unwilling to deliver my mail because it was unsafe.

Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell