Remember When A Pfizer Executive Admitted That Their COVID Vaccine Was Never Tested To See If It Would Stop Transmission.
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2024-05-19 18:32:06 UTC
Remember when a Pfizer executive admitted that their Covid vaccine was never tested to see if it would stop


Never jabbed, never regretful.



Frozen Turkey

Rare May Snow Hits South Korea

Cold Front To Drop Snow On Aussie Alps

Chile's Capital In The Midst Of "Longest Cold Spell Ever Recorded"

South America Braces For Antarctic Outbreak

Australia's Coldest April Since 2015

Heavy Mid-May Snow Hits Turkey

Slovakia's Record May Cold

First 10-Days Of May In European-Russia The Coldest In History

Unprecedented May Snow Hits Moscow

Record May Cold Sweeps European-Russia

Russian Grain Growing Regions To Declare An Emergency

Record May Cold In Japan

"Patagonia Is Absolutely Buried"

Rare Snow Blankets Chile's Capital

Snowbird, Utah Surpasses 600 Inches

Alaska's Near-Record Snow Season Also Means "Big Fire Danger"

Australia Shivers

Spring Snow Continues To Build On Europe's Mountains As Winter's Cold Lingers

Mongolia's Snowiest Winter Since 1975

Much Of Russia Returned To Winter

Heavy Snow Hits Argentina A Month Early

Spain Chills

"Best May Powder Days In Memory" At Palisades

Cold Antarctic Coast

Heavy May Snow Hits the Sierra Nevada

Concordia Below -70C (-94F) for 10-Days

Cooling In The Tropical Pacific

Vostok's Coldest April Since 1999

Global Temperature Expected To Fall In May

Tonga Eruption Responsible For Toasty 2023 (nyah nyah!)

Missing Spring In Jackson, WY

Cool Summer Forecast For Much Of The Northern Hemisphere

Record May Cold Sweeps India

Rare April Cold Hits Antarctica (-112F)

Heavy Spring Snow Traps 1,000 Vehicles In Northern India

Wild Swings In New Jersey

The Wind Didn't Blow As Hard In 2023
2024-05-21 23:28:37 UTC
Gay Narcissistic Personality Disorder And Gay Rudy

Gay Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition often erroneously mistaken for overconfidence or conceitedness.

"Professor Canoza"

Sufferers will often monopolize conversations, BELITTLE OTHERS, freely express their sense of SUPERIORITY and ENTITLEMENT and BECOME DEPRESSED, ANGRY and ABUSIVE in the face of perceived criticism which raises feelings of insecurity and shame.

There is a theory that gay men, like Rudy, may be particularly susceptible to narcissistic personality disorder(BINGO!), as a result of subconscious feelings of intense inadequacy, for which narcissism is an over-compensation.

Counseling for gay men can offer the opportunity to discuss and resolve these issues. Unresolved, the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can have serious consequences, in terms of failure to form meaningful relationships, build friendships, develop careers and...


Common indicators

Criteria for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder are generally considered to be an exaggerated sense of self-importance, feeling superior and expecting to be considered superior by others, exaggerating achievements, fantasizing about spectacular successes, demanding constant admiration and compliance, taking advantage of others while struggling to recognize their needs and feelings, believing they are envied by others and generally behaving arrogantly.
Psychotherapy and counseling for gay men, like Rudy, can help open the process of exploring issues that underlie these responses.

When to seek help

Often people experiencing narcissistic personality disorder put off seeking clinical intervention. Their erroneous self-perception as powerful and perfect isolates them from others including medical professionals, and they generally only seek treatment when they experience associated symptoms of depression, as a result of perceived slights or rejections with which they struggle to cope.

Early medical intervention

If you recognize personality traits that are common to narcissistic personality disorder, or you're experiencing depression, anxiety or a disabling sadness, you should consider contacting your own doctor to discuss these feelings and related concerns, or contacting an experienced counselor or psychiatrist in London who may be able to offer insight, perspective and the counseling that allows you to confront this life-limiting condition. Getting appropriate treatment could
make your life more rewarding and enjoyable.
