What Americans Needs To Understand
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2024-05-18 04:54:02 UTC
What Americans needs to understand:

January 6th was the biggest hoax in political history. Nancy Pelosi worked with the federal government to
entrap dissidents of the establishment.

The Deep State exists. The sitting President over the United States of America was banned from social media.
You cannot convince me otherwise.

The true insurrection was on Nov. 3rd, 2020. Everyone with a brain knows Joe Biden didn't receive 81M votes.
Maybe 81M ballots.

Mainstream media are state-sponsored propagandists. Truly the enemy of the people.

mRNA shots are not vaccines. They are death traps. And medical "experts" knew this the entire time. Anthony
Fauci and Bill Gates belong in prison after the Nuremberg trials.

Masculinity was never toxic. The lack of it is toxic. Look at failing Western societies and see it for

White privilege doesn't exist. This is brought up by people that are just too lazy to make something of

DEI is just racism, reversed.

Endless wars will not stop until Congress is not allowed to insider trade anymore. Anyone in Congress that
profits off of the Military Industrial Complex is a traitor. Plain and simple.

No one on the United States will be giving up their guns. This is the truth and any new gun laws are

There are racists within every race on the planet. Call their asses out. They're trash.

The Climate Agenda is a straight up hoax to just tax you more into oblivion; everyone knows it. It gets cold
in the winter and hot in the summer. Get over it.

The United States is the last beacon of freedom on the planet and globalists are trying to take over our
society. Don't let them.

American taxpayers are the last ones considered by Washington D.C. It is truly criminal.

If you are not even the slightest bit suspicious of what has happened over the last three years, there is no
hope for you and you shouldn't be able to vote.


THIS is Joe Biden when not on drugs or stimulants and acts like himself:





Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you the Democrats' best: Old-Rich-White-Religious Freak, Joe Biden

Or As Old-Rich-White-Religious Freak, Joe Biden Would Say: "Labadies and Gntlmn... I gve yu the Dmcrts' bst."





Joe Bidden Completely Forgets What He's Talking About In Excruciating Press

Joe Biden Gets Completely LOST in Middle of a Story

Biden tries to explain the Covid bill. This moron is President? Wow.

Biden's Dementia Flares Up, Has Complete Mental Short-Circuit During Speech

Out-Performed Every Presidential Challenger In US History?

Joe Biden: You Just Wonder

Joe Biden Fumbles Through Speech

Joe Biden Embarrassingly Delivers his WORST Speech while 'President Elect'

Barely There Biden Makes No Sense

Joe Biden Stumbles, Makes No Sense

Joe Biden Makes No Sense, Forgets When The 1918 Flu Pandemic Occurred

Joe Biden making Zer0 sense

Joe Biden Told Voters To "Go To" A Phone Number. Now, He Still Makes Zero

2024-05-18 17:43:23 UTC
That you don't have the self-control not to post the very same bullshit
multiple times?
2024-05-18 19:31:33 UTC
On Sat, 18 May 2024 11:05:57 -0700, Max Boot says...
That you don't have the self-control not to post the very same bullshit multiple
That's one. AlleyPussyBitch frequently posts the exact same material, not
varying in so much as a punctuation mark or extra space, numerous times. That's
fucked-up behavior for a "man" (ostensibly) who is in his mid 60s.
Says the psycho midget faggot, who posts the exact same material, *NEVER* varying in so much as a punctuation
mark or extra space *EVERY* time he replies to me, because of his overwhelming jealousy.

"On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch, the narcissist, aka Neutered Pussy - *NOT* a three
letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball,
and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy -
*capitulated* and *submitted* to Rudy and then lied:"


Too bad, for Rudy, that I WAS a 3 sport letterman, a bouncer in THREE different restaurants / bars / lounges
/ discos (Chan's, Victor's Jamaica Joe's), an assistant golf pro, a lifeguard on the white sand beaches of
Ft. Walton/Destin, (getting more pussy in a week, than you did your whole life), dunked a basketball at 5'9"
for first time in 11th grade, played college baseball AND basketball (dual scholarships), and dated the
captain of the cheer-leading squad as a SOPHOMORE in high school. (there was no freshman class)

This makes Rudy insanely jealous. [oh, poor diddums]


Rudy, The Insanely Jealous Narcissist

AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Rudy, the narcissist, usually has a deep need to be better than everyone else.
This makes him likely to become jealous of anyone he perceives as better than
him in any possible way.

Surprisingly, you don't have to be better in a real sense for you to trigger
his jealousy.

As long as you have any advantage he doesn't have, that's enough to make him
jealous. Sometimes jealousy can force Rudy the narcissist to act in ways that defy normal human behaviour.

Jealousy is one of the emotions that makes Rudy, the narcissist, both hilarious and sad.

A Sense of Competition:

A sense of competition, real or perceived can trigger jealous narcissists,
like Rudy.

Surpassing a narcissist, like Rudy, at anything that you are both involved in
or succeeding at something he failed at, can make him extremely jealous.

Rudy Has Low Self-Esteem:

Rudy, the narcissist, may not be jealous of someone on Usenet, who is better looking, as long as he is
confident in his looks.


But, he isn't, so he isn't confident in his ability to socialize. Rudy is always jealous of his social and
Usenet rivals, who make him look like the runt child he is... daily.

Actually... Rudy, the narcissist, makes himself look like a child. We do not need to help him in this realm.

Because Rudy, the narcissist has very low self-esteem behind the mask of ultra-confidence, he becomes very
jealous of anyone who has genuine confidence... like those he pretends to be better than.

They Are Happier Than Rudy:

When a narcissist is depressed, he doesn't like to see someone happier and excited, especially if that person
makes him look stupid... which is usually hourly.

This is because he knows that a happy person is powerful. Powerful enough to make him feel like a worthless
turd... that is, until that person makes a spelling or grammar mistake.

Rudy's self-esteem is so low, that even though HE'S fucked up so many times, grammatically and spelling-wise,
he still has to show his imaginary superiority, by pointing out others' mistakes.

When you are happy, you became more confident, assertive and clear-minded. On the other hand, when a person
is sad or depressed, he usually feels weak and vulnerable, like Rudy, who lashes out at those he sees as his

When a narcissist, like Rudy is depressed, feelings of vulnerability that accompany depression make him see a
happy person as a threat, especially when it's a person that he doesn't get along with, which is 99.9% of
Usenet, since he's a homophobic racist, who insults everyone, because Rudy HATES everyone he thinks is his

Rudy Is Insecure:

Insecurities make a person doubt his ability to keep anyone interested.

If he is financially unsuccessful (well... YEAH!) and believes that his Usenet rivals are MORE successful
(well... duh!), he may be very jealous their success.

Rudy, the narcissist, hates it when people around him are better in every possible way. He needs to be above
everybody else in order to feel superior, and have the ability to sleep.

For this reason, he becomes very jealous of anyone he sees as superior than him, especially when there is a
sense of competition.

We Are Stealing His Attention:

RUDY, THE NARCISSIST NEEDS SO MUCH ATTENTION, hence the replies that offer NO refutations. He only replies to
say, "play with me!"

Rudy doesn't have the mental capacity to form his own opinions on subject matters that are above his head, so
he simply replies in the negative, even if it's proven that the OP is correct in everything he says or

Because he thinks that he is better than common people, Rudy believes that he deserves more attention than
the average Usenet member.

Getting the attention that a narcissist believes HE deserves, can cause a lot of jealousy.

Poor Rudy.
2024-05-18 20:00:27 UTC
On Sat, 18 May 2024 12:43:54 -0700, Rudy Canoza SAYS...
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]
You just did it again.
[subject line vandalism by squat-to-piss communist cocksucker repaired]
You just did it again.
On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch, the narcissist, aka
Neutered Pussy ? *NOT* a three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a
golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been
laid, but just a pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing
You just did it again.
You just did it again.
fucked-up behavior for a "man" (ostensibly) who is in his mid 60s.
You just did it again... and are still wrong.
your intellectual, moral, professional, social, literary, culinary and
*physical* superior.
You just did it again.
You just did it again. You just posted *exactly* the same bullshit vomit twice.
Better than the 100s of times you've done it.

[can.politics crosspost reinserted]

I misspelled a word below... find it, so your head doesn't explode. Don't worry, pussy... it's not at the


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Fear of "The Other"

According to A.J. Marsden, assistant professor of psychology and human services at Beacon College in
Leesburg, Florida, one reason Rudy hates is because he fears things that are different from himself.

Behavioral researcher Patrick Wanis, cites the in-group out-group theory, which posits that when Rudy feels
threatened by perceived outsiders, he instinctively turns toward our in-group-those with whom Rudy identifies
as a survival mechanism.

Wanis explains, "Hatred is driven by two key emotions of love and aggresssion: One love for the in-group-the
group that is favored; and two, aggression for the out-group-the group that has been deemed as being
different, dangerous, and a threat to the in-group."

Fear of Himself

According to Washington, D.C., clinical psychologist Dana Harron, the things Rudy hates about others, are the
things that he fears within himself. She suggests thinking about the targeted group or person as a movie
screen onto which Rudy projects unwanted parts of the self. The idea is, "I'm not terrible; you are."

This phenomenon is known as projection, a term coined by Freud to describe our tendency to reject what Rudy
doesn't like about himself. Psychologist Brad Reedy further describes projection as Rudy's need to be good,
which causes him to project "badness" outward and attack it:

"Rudy developed this method to survive, for any 'badness' in him puts him at risk for being rejected and
alone. So, Rudy represses the things that he thinks are bad (what others told him or suggested to him that
was unlovable and morally reprehensible) - and Rudy employs hate and judgment towards others.

Rudy thinks that is how one rids himself of undesirable traits, but this method only perpetuates repression
which leads to many mental health issues.


Lack of Self-compassion

The antidote to hate is compassion - for others as well as ourselves. Self-compassion means that Rudy accept
his whole self. "If Rudy finds part of himself unacceptable, he tends to attack others in order to defend
against the threat," says Reedy.

"If Rudy is okay with himself, he see others' behaviors as 'about them' and can respond with compassion. If I
kept hate in my heart for [another], I would have to hate myself as well. It is only when Rudy learns to hold
himself with compassion that Rudy may be able to demonstrate it toward others."

It fills a void

Psychologist Bernard Golden, author of Overcoming Destructive Anger: Strategies That Work, believes that when
hate involves participation in a group (like Usenet), it may help foster a sense of connection and
camaraderie that fills a void in one's identity. He describes hatred of individuals or groups as a way of
distracting oneself from the more challenging and anxiety-provoking task of creating one's own identity:

(BINGO! coming up)

"Acts of hate are attempts to distract oneself from feelings such as helplessness, powerlessness, injustice,
inadequacy and shame. Hate is grounded in some sense of perceived threat. It is an attitude that can give
rise to hostility and aggression toward individuals or groups. Like much of anger, it is a reaction to and
distraction from some form of inner pain. The individual consumed by hate may believe that the only way to
regain some sense of power over his or her pain is to preemptively strike out at others. In this context,
each moment of hate is a temporary reprieve from inner suffering."


Societal and Cultural Factors

The answer to why Rudy hates, according to Silvia Dutchevici, LCSW, president and founder of the Critical
Therapy Center, lies not only in our psychological makeup or family history, but also in our cultural and
political history. "Rudy lives in a war culture that promotes violence, in which competition is a way of
life," she says.

"Rudy fears connecting because it requires us to reveal something about himself. Rudy was taught to hate the
enemy - meaning anyone different than us - which leaves little room for vulnerability and an exploration of
hate through empathic discourse and understanding. In our current society, one is more ready to fight than to
resolve conflict. Peace is seldom the option."

What Can Rudy Do?

Hatred has to be learned, Golden says: "Rudy was born with the capacity for aggression as well as compassion.
Which tendencies Rudy embraces requires mindful choice by individuals, families, communities and our culture
in general. The key to overcoming hate is education: at home, in schools, and in the community."

According to Dutchevici, facing the fear of being vulnerable and utterly human is what allows us to connect,
to feel, and ultimately, to love. She suggests creating "cracks in the system." These cracks can be as simple
as connecting to your neighbor, talking with a friend, starting a protest, or even going to therapy and
connecting with an 'Other.' It is through these acts that one can understand hate and love."

In other words, compassion towards others is the true context that heals.
2024-05-18 23:11:00 UTC
On Sat, 18 May 2024 15:15:48 -0700, Rudy Canoza says...
I do it every time I reply to
*you*, because a) it's accurate, and b) I know it pisses you off.

I just laugh, knowing others are seeing your childish jealousy and laughing with me.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

This is Rudy: https://i.imgur.com/4FSRuAQ.mp4

Rudy "Low-Self-Esteem" Canoza... someone who always "THINKS" he knows everything ABOUT everything and has to
have the last word in ANY conversation or argument. That's why he HAS to reply to EVERY post about him, or it
drives him crazy enough to not being able to sleep.

What is Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel
incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid about
making mistakes or letting other people down.

Having self-esteem issus can be detrimental to their health and negatively affect their personal and
professional relationships. There are many reasons why they may have low self-esteem - their genes, how and
where they grew up, and other life circumstances all play a role.

A major factor of low self-esteem, however, comes from their own mental state. Their inner voice, or the
thoughts in their head, can be constantly telling them that they are not good enough or worth anything, even
if there is evidence to the contrary. Negative thinking in general is linked to low self-worth and low self-

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

There are several signs that either they or someone they know may be struggling with low self-esteem. Those
signs of low self-esteem include:

Sensitivity to Criticism

If they have low self-esteem they may be extra sensitive to criticism, whether from others or themselves.
They see it only as reinforcing their flaws and confirming that they are incapable of doing anything right.

Social Withdrawal

Declining invitations to go to a party or meet up with friends, canceling scheduled plans last-minute, and
generally not wanting to be around others are signs of low self-esteem. They may not have any desire to hold
a conversation or talk about their life because it will only reinforce the depression and anxiety they are
already experiencing.


For someone with low self-esteem, lashing out or becoming aggressive towards others is a defense mechanism.
If they feel that they are about to be exposed or criticized, attacking whoever might criticize them can be a
sign of low self-esteem.

Excessive Preoccupation with Personal Problems

Consistently worrying about their own personal issues takes up a lot of time for someone with low self-
esteem. They may struggle to help or empathize with someone else's problems because they are too preoccupied
with their own.

Physical Symptoms

Low self-esteem has been shown to lead to mental and physical health issues like depression, anxiety, and
anorexia. It can also lead to unhealthy habits like smoking tobacco, alcohol abuse, or drug use.

Dealing with Low Self-Esteem

They can overcome low self-esteem with the right support, mindset, and change in behaviors. Start with these
steps to begin improving their self-esteem:

Identify Troubling Conditions and Situations

Take a moment to think about certain conditions and situations in their life that seem to always deflate
their self-esteem. It could be giving a work presentation, dealing with a difficult family member or friend,
or facing a life-changing event, like a job loss or a move.

Become Aware of their Thoughts and Beliefs

After they've identified the times in their life where they have felt low self-esteem, evaluate their
thoughts about they. How are they interpreting what happened? These thoughts could be either positive,
negative, or neutral. They can be based on facts or irrational and false ideas.

If they take a moment to notice what they are thinking, they can begin to understand whether or not their
reactions to what has happened are appropriate and useful.

Challenge Negative or Inaccurate Thoughts

It is important to ask themselves whether their thoughts are consistent with facts or logic. There could be
another explanation for a situation that is truer than their interpretation. Sometimes it is hard to break
from long-held beliefs that have become part of their reality. Understand that it can take time and patience
to overcome any negative preconceived notions toward their life that they've built up.

Adjust their mindset

They've been able to identify the times where they've felt a blow to their self-esteem. They've become self-
aware about how and why they have the thoughts and feelings towards those events. Now they can take a step
back and analyze those thoughts and emotions. them now have the power to change their thought patterns to
raise their self-esteem.

Remember to think and feel hopeful statements, focus on the positive aspects of all situations, and not be
afraid to relabel upsetting thoughts. And most importantly, don't hesitate to forgive yourself. No one is
perfect and everyone makes mistakes. It doesn't make them a bad person-it just makes them human.
2024-05-21 23:28:37 UTC
Narcissists, Like Rudy, Really Are Pathetic And Broken

Imagine that the only way you could feel better about yourself is by putting other people down, sabotaging them, crushing them, turning others against them. Entering them into a competition that they did not sign up for and beating them at any and all cost. Imagine having such poor, pathetic character that that's the main way that you operate in life. That's all you're capable of. That's all you stand for, taking away the joy and fulfillment from other people.

That's just pathetic. How empty, how shameless do you have to be to behave like that? To treat other people as only existing to be a means to your end? Being utterly incapable of ever truly wishing another well? That is a sad, desperate existence.

They are emotionally stunted. They are not capable of the full depth of emotion you and I am. They will never truly know love. At best the mimic the appearance of love and think that's what it is. Now that is truly sad.

The narcissist already knows that he is broken. The narcissist hates himself, has massive shame and expects everything he touches to turn to shit. His outer defense is to deny and avoid that shame, because he won't get the attention, energy, admiration and sex that he requires if he steeps himself in that toxic tea.

To be clear, I'm NOT talking about covert narcissists, because I have no experience with them.

Therefore, the overt narcissist presents a confident, powerful, indifferent, ego-centric public profile. No matter his stature/height, he will be "Large and in Charge," larger than life. In this case, the narcissist is 5'6", ugly, badly-groomed, sloppily dressed and with an unseemly figure.

He's chronically depressed, frequently sunk into a pit of despair that he tries to remedy by watching porn and being addicted to his image on Facebook (mysterious, twistedly funny and politically "out there") with frequent rants that were childish and offensive to many people.

So, narcissists don't have to "find out" they're broken. If you are hoping that helping them discover their brokenness may lead them to an epiphany that will turn around your Usenet relationship, don't.

Their brokenness is not fixable.

2024-05-18 20:00:28 UTC
On Sat, 18 May 2024 12:43:54 -0700, Max Boot says...
Why would a 65+ year old *involuntarily* retired retard do that?
Still way off.


Narcissists appear ridiculously stupid because of their bloated egos that cannot be surpassed by anything but

Imagine taking on a project of breaking down a wall using the best possible method. Non-narcissists would
usually take it step by step, use a strategy and come up with contingency plans, in case they fail the first
time around.

With a narcissist however, they will not care about consequences as their main focus is to IMPRESS not to
execute. They'll wing it.

Narcissists automatically get into the mode of having to "convince" people for gratification of their low
self-worth that they are stronger, braver and more beautiful than the wall! Remember, I said convince, and
not "prove".

Therefore, they will just keep hitting the wall (with WHATEVER resources they have) and keep doing so until
it does break; (usually not in the way intended) thereby destroying themselves and everything else around

And, by the time they are done, (which would eventually take a very long time), everybody would have
forgotten what the original project was about, but the narcissist would be elating at their victory - over

Stupid? Hmm... yes.
2024-05-18 22:01:50 UTC
My title: LOL... Rudy's So Stupid

Rudy's: LOL... Rudys' [sic] So Much Smarter Than AlleyPussyBitch

Why the "sic", you sick fuck?

THAT'S the sign of a sick mind... changing other's words and spellings to make it seem that person misspelled
something when they didn't.

LOL... that comes from ONLY minds that are fucked up.


On Sat, 18 May 2024 13:07:18 -0700, Rudy Canoza says...
Why would a 65+ year old *involuntarily* retired retard do that?
Still way off.
Nope. I'm spot-on correct on both.
1. You're 65+ years old
LOL... Rudy's wrong, but he's too narcissistic with low-self-esteem to admit it. You're never going to get me
to tell you my age, no matter how many tricks you TRY to pull. I have a MUCH higher tolerance for bullshit
than you'll EVER know and have yourself, stupid.

I get YOU to do whatever I want. LOL
2. You were forced into *involuntary* retirement ? they pruned some deadwood
Nope, and I've fulfilled my *voluntary* "retirement" obligation, so I'm back at MY place of business. Stupid
Rudy forgot I own the business I "retired" from.
This is settled.
Only in a psychotic's mind.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Rudy's psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality.
It's a symptom of serious mental disorders. People who are experiencing
psychosis may have delusions.

The person experiencing psychosis may also have thoughts that are contrary to
actual EVIDENCE.

These thoughts are known as delusions. Some people with psychosis may also
experience loss of motivation and social withdrawal.

(like spending ALL day on Usenet, instead of socially interacting)

These experiences can be frightening. They may also cause people who are
experiencing psychosis to hurt themselves or others.

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this."

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass."

"I've beaten you to a bloody pulp"

"... you you no-fight faggot."

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again. Yes."

It's important to see a doctor right away if you or someone you know is
experiencing symptoms of psychosis.

Symptoms of psychosis include:

depressed mood
sleeping too much or not enough
withdrawal from family and friends
disorganized speech, such as switching topics erratically
suicidal thoughts or actions

A delusion is a false belief or impression that is firmly held even though it's
contradicted by reality and what is commonly considered true. There are
delusions of paranoia, grandiose delusions, and somatic delusions.

People who are experiencing a delusion of paranoia might think that they are
being followed when they aren't or that secret messages are being sent to them.
Someone with a grandiose delusion will have an exaggerated sense of importance.
Somatic delusion is when a person believes they have a terminal illness, but in
reality they're healthy.