Thwaites Glacier: The Melting Myth vs. Reality
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2024-05-21 22:18:55 UTC
Thwaites Glacier: The Melting Myth vs. Reality

Emerging Studies Debunk the 'Doomsday Glacier' Fears

Jan 16, 2024
Thwaites Glacier, often referred to as the "Doomsday Glacier," is a massive ice formation in West Antarctica
that has garnered significant attention in recent years. Spanning about 120 kilometers in width and covering
an area roughly the size of Florida, Thwaites plays a crucial role in the Antarctic ice system. Its
importance stems from its potential to contribute significantly to global sea-level rise. Scientists have
been closely monitoring its stability, as its melting could lead to a considerable rise in sea levels

The moniker "Doomsday Glacier" emerged in mainstream media as a dramatic depiction of the potentially
catastrophic impact of Thwaites Glacier's melting.

This characterization hinges on the glacier's vulnerability to warming oceans and its potential to
significantly elevate sea levels if it were to collapse. The glacier's precarious position acts as a natural
barrier, preventing the inflow of warm water to inland glaciers. The claim is if Thwaites were to
disintegrate, it could trigger a domino effect, leading to the destabilization of other parts of the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet.

However, recent research challenges the sensationalized portrayal of Thwaites Glacier in media outlets.

For example, a paper titled "Limited Impact of Thwaites Ice Shelf on Future Ice Loss From Antarctica" in
Geophysical Research Letters published in 2023 examines the impact of the Thwaites Ice Shelf's removal on the
Thwaites Glacier over the next century. Using ice-flow models, the researchers, led by Northumbria
University, determined that the pressure exerted by the Thwaites Ice Shelf on the land ice is relatively




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2024-05-21 22:21:27 UTC
On Tue, 21 May 2024 20:11:53 +0000, Lee says...
The Doomsday Glacier is melting -


Do you know how LONG it's been melting? Lonnnng before CO² started to rise.

This week's climate scare from the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences claims that warm seawater
is flowing under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier and melting it. The study claims that the melting of the so-
called Doomsday Glacier could accelerate catastrophic sea level rise in as soon as 10 to 20 years.

(echoes of Al Gore's prophetic FAILURE of predicting 20 feet of sea level rise and an ice-free Arctic)

Here's what you need to know. First, there is no scientific evidence that emissions warm the atmosphere, and
in any event, the Thwaites Glacier is located in West Antarctica, which has been cooling for the last 20

More importantly, there is no physics behind the notion that the atmosphere warms the ocean in any meaningful
way. (that would be the sun)

Infrared radiation from the atmosphere penetrates much less than the top millimeter of ocean surface, so much
for emissions causing anything.

Next, the Thwaites Glacier sits atop VOLCANIC ACTIVITY. That would easily explain any inflow of warm seawater
under the glacier, and humans don't control volcanic activity.

Finally, keep in mind that no climate alarmist prediction has ever come true, while alarmists have claimed
that the Doomsday Glacier melting could raise global sea level by 10 feet in just a few years.

The same people have put the Thwaites effect on sea level rise at less than an inch over a hundred years. Not
only can't the climate hoaxes predict the future, they can't even tell the truth.


Here is the so-called Doomsday Glacier. Guess what happens to a glacier which is surrounded by, and sitting
on top of volcanoes? And guess why #ClimateScam will never admit to these facts.


Call me when the rich guys pushing this crap sell their ocean front property.

The undersea volcanic activity beneath Antarctica's Pine Island/Thwaites Glacier ice shelf was unknown until
early this century.

Volcanic activity is expected Most on the edges of continental plates. Such as the Antarctic plate. That's
why it has moved across the Earth to temporarily reside on the South pole area...


The Mt. Erebus volcano has been active for over 100 years and, along with other volcanoes, is helping to melt
western Antarctica and its Doomsday Glacier - but don't tell #ClimateScam - it's our secret.


Is volcanic activity contributing to the melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet?
Asked by Morag

Wow, this is an interesting question! You can learn all about sub-glacial volcanoes here. The West Antarctic
Ice Sheet has many sub-glacial lakes beneath it; geothermal heating is thought to contribute to the melting
of the base of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. However, the extent of this, and the rate, is very poorly known
and currently not included in glaciological numerical models. Actual volcanoes may, during eruptions, melt
quite large portions of the ice sheet around them. In Iceland, volcanic eruptions beneath the ice sheet
regularly cause catastrophic floods, called jokulhlaups. Sub-glacial volcanoes are therefore probably
contributing at least a little to Antarctic ice sheet melt; the extent to which this is happening is probably
reasonably stable over longer timescales.



THIS Is Why Chicken Shit Chicken Littles Screech About Climate And Weather And Global Warbling:

The UN Makes it Official: Global Warming Hysteria Is All About Redistributing Wealth

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'

Global Study Reveals Wealth Redistribution From Blue-Carbon Ecosystems

Failed Climate Policies Are About Wealth Redistribution

"We Redistribute De Facto The World's Wealth By Climate Policy."

How Global Warming Has Made The Rich Richer

The U.N.'s Global Warming War On Capitalism: An Important History Lesson

The Doha Wealth Redistribution Process Moves On


"There is no doubt, that we need to have a complete transformation... the transformation of the economy, and
that includes, of course, the private sector."

A carbon tax will change NOTHING, other than the wealth of politicians and countries who beg us for money.
THAT was the purpose of the Paris Accord... the ONLY purpose.

Funny... when the government no longer pays for bogus money-grabbing data, the truth comes out.

"It's all about money in the end. Keeping the Gravy Train running."

"And we're like... the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change..."

AOC's Top Aide Admits Green New Deal About The Economy, Not Climate

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff recently admitted that the Green New Deal was not conceived as
an effort to deal with climate change, but instead a "how-do-you-change-the-entire economy thing" -- a remark
likely to fuel Republican claims that the deal is nothing more than a thinly veiled socialist takeover of the
U.S. economy. "The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing at
all," Saikat Chakrabarti said in May, according to The Washington Post.


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Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare


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2024-05-21 22:24:48 UTC
New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative... Today's Ice 8 Times Than Last 8000 Years

Scientists have determined there is no measured data to "indicate thicker than present ice after 4ka" at a
West Antarctic study site near the Thwaites "Doomsday" Glacier. Any ice melt observed today is thus
"reversible"... and natural.

The Thwaites, Pine Island, and Pope Glaciers in the Amundsen Sea region of West Antarctica are all situated
on a hotbed of active geothermal heat flux, which has led to anomalously high regional melt rates. Indeed,
"there is a conspicuously large amount of heat from Earth's interior beneath the ice" in the very locations
where the ice melt is most pronounced.

While the Earth's crust has an average thickness of about 40 km, in the Thwaites-Pine Island-Pope Glacier
region the anomalously thinner crust (10 to 18 km) more readily exposes the base of the ice to 580°C tectonic
trenches. The "elevated geothermal heat flow band is interpreted as caused by an anomalously thin crust
underlain by a hot mantle," which is exerting a "profound influence on the flow dynamics of the Western
Antarctic Ice Sheet" (Dziadek et al., 2021).

Despite the established natural causes of ice melt this region (see also Schroeder et al., 2014, Loose et
al., 2018), it has nonetheless become commonplace for those who believe human behaviors are the climate's
"control knob" to claim the melting of the Thwaites Glacier - dubbed the "Doomsday Glacier" by alarmists - is
caused by humans driving gasoline-powered trucks or using natural gas for energy.

But a new study categorically undermines claims that the ice melt occurring in the Thwaites-Pine Island-Pope
Glacier region is unusual, unprecedented, or unnatural.

The thickness of the ice sheet at this Amundsen Sea region site averages about 40 m today.

Scientists (Balco et al., 2023) have used cosmogenic-nuclide concentrations and bedrock cores to determine
the ice sheet is presently around 8 times thicker than it was for most of the last 8,000 years of the
Holocene, when the ice thickness ranged between 2 m and 7 m.

"...the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) at a site between Thwaites and Pope glaciers was at least 35m thinner
than present in the past several thousand years"

Image Source: Balco et al., 2023

Even more interesting, the scientists found there are "no exposure-age data in the Amundsen Sea region
indicating thicker than present ice after 4?ka," suggesting that the present thickness is close to the most
pronounced it has been over the last 4,000 years.

Any ice melt from this region, then, is not only natural, but the opposite of "unprecedented." The scientists
thus characterize modern changes to the West Antarctic ice sheet as "reversible" instead.