Redefining eternity
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2024-12-13 19:11:23 UTC
It's a physical change on a genetic level.
How strange is that? My guess is
You're talking out of yoose ass again, Uncle.
Hank, he is trying to explain 'epigenetics' in a
'dumbed-down' manner, but went way too skimpy
on the technical details.
It is not really accurate though. Epigenetics explains,
for example, the difference between a grasshopper and
a locust, which look like different animals despite
having identical DNA.
Feral pigs are more an example of devolution via
out-breeding. It's like the 'wild' pansies and
snapdragons on my front lawn that come up every
year with smaller and smaller blossums.
Sounds similar to what is happening with US democrats, lol...!!!
They are simply "breeding" themselves outta existence...
Could also be said about PM Justine Turdeau and her ilk up in CanaDUH...
clams casino
2024-12-13 23:05:54 UTC
I wish I had a giant beetle that dictated words to me. He'd probably be
the smartest beetle alive and have his own beetle view of things. A
magic beetle's words are certain to be magical and a best seller. I
always wanted to be a fake writer. OTOH, with AI, we don't need no
stinkin' giant beetle to tell us what to write.
LOL thinking about the giant beetle in Naked Lunch. The front end has
typewrite keyboard but the writer who is hallucinating the story finds
that if it peels back the carapace the bug has a talking asshole that he
can converse with.  Naturally the talking asshole character reminded me
of a couple people here.
And it needs every bit as much attention as they do, eh bully boi?

clams casino
2024-12-14 21:21:17 UTC
Just having a bunch of bunch of intact males and those hormones will
lead to changes very quickly.
Analogous to the bully culture here!
clams casino
2024-12-15 19:17:38 UTC
There you go generalizing again. "Americans" like things raw
sometimes and cooked sometimes. I think it is so typical of you to
assume americans only eat cooked food, and not raw vegetables or
uncooked fruits!
D, they are talking specifically on meat (not fish either if you
consider that 'meat' like I do).
Does not take away from the point. Typical generalizing, it makes
me so
sad. =( Meat can be eaten raw as well so I think it is very sad they
default to assuming it is cooked. There are many americans with a
variety of taste.
What do you know about Americans, Baltic Bozo?
Uh...he spent significant time in Chicago, ya dim dutch dolt.
so did al capone
Thanks for admitting he DOES have sufficient time in-country to have
achieved local insights, chief.
i was in chicago once , i didn't like it
Fair enuf.

I found Lethbridge to be stultifying.
